Some time off for a wedding

Several of our followers noticed we have not posted for a while and contacted us asking if all was well.
We can assure you all is fine, we simply took some time out to fly back to Sacramento to attend Natalie’s (my daughter) wedding.

We had planned this for some time.

We are back in Washington and have re-connected with our motorhome, which we had left at an RV Park in Randle, WA. We leave tomorrow to continue our trip, but will catch up on blogging as much as we can before we go – there is a lot to tell you all.

The wedding

The wedding was beautiful, Natalie and Jon said their vows and exchanged rings at the McKinley Park Rose Garden and it was gorgeous. The roses were in full bloom and the weather was near perfect.

Bride and groom looked amazing, although I will be the first to admit that I am highly biased here. My daughter just radiated happiness the entire day and admitted to feeling extremely special, just the thing you would wish upon your daughter for her wedding day. There were guests from all around the world, The Netherlands, UK, Australia, New York, Arizona, etc. Quite the attendance.

As you would expect, my fatherly duties included walking her down the isle, a dance and a speech.
Initially, I thought the speech would be a great opportunity to roast my new son-in-law, but I resisted 🙂 and spoke about some memories of Natalie as a child. Memories that are very dear to me. I think the speech was well received.

Natalie and Jon will be going on their honeymoon in August. Congratulations Natalie and Jon, wishing you both a wonderful life together, filled with love, happiness and prosperity.

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