Surf-n-Turf on the road

I can’t remember ever seeing a rule that stated you can’t have a nice meal when camping . .
So today we felt like steak, but part of us kinda fancied some prawns too, so we had both!

The meal is actually simple to make. Here is what I did:

We purchased large prawns (13-15 count) and a beautiful looking Rib-Eye steak.
We also got some asparagus and baby portobello mushrooms.

I peeled the prawns, skewered them and brushed them with olive oil and garlic.
The steak was prepared with ground Mongolian Pink salt and freshly ground black pepper. I topped it off with a little butter.

We had seen a recipe on asparagus done in the oven so decided to give that a try (we normally grill asparagus). After cutting the ends off the asparagus, I spread them on a shallow pan, then sprinkled some olive oil and a little salt. To top it off, I added a gentle squeeze of lemon. Then popped them in a 425F oven for about 20 minutes.

The steak and skewered prawn went onto a hot grill outside for just a couple of minutes. We like our steak medium rare and used to meat thermometer to to make sure it got grilled just right. I grilled them for 3 minutes on one side, flipped them and removed them when the meat thermometer reached 125F.

I cut the mushrooms and sautéed them along with some onions and carrots.

Here is the end result.

Whoever said you can’t cook great meals in a motorhome obviously never tried. We had a delicious meal.

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