Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, WA

We’ve been hanging out in Bellingham, a small town in the north western part of Washington state. It’s only about 20 miles from the Canadian border.

We’ve used this RV Park as a base from which to visit Vancouver and Seattle. As we were curious to learn what Bellingham had to offer, we did some research and found . . . Whatcom Falls Park.

The park turned out to be amazingly pretty and very hard to believe it lies in the middle of suburbia. Walking around the many trails of the park we genuinely felt like being miles away from any civilization.

Mysterious paths leading to “who knows where?”

As the name suggests, there is a waterfall and quite a beautiful one too, although the water levels were kinda low when we visited. It’s the Whatcom creek that creates the falls and the creek meanders through the park offering many picturesque locations along the way.

Not a lot of water, but beautiful none the less.
Old stone bridge over the creek
Amazing lighting

We were highly bemused when a lady and her Golden Retriever walked by and stopped just a ways from where we were standing. The dog jumped into the creek and lay down in the water! The dog’s mom told us this was his favorite place and enjoys cooling down in the creek every time they come out for a walk. It had become a fixed routine for the dog and always jumped in the creek at the same place. After a few minutes, he was fine and jumped up on the shore, ready to continue his walk!

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