Small German towns with half-timbered houses are certainly romantic places to visit. And Germany has an abundance of these.
To English speakers, they look similar to ‘Tudor Style’ houses, where parts of the outside walls have wooden beams, but that is where the comparison stops. These “half-timbered” houses are very traditional “German” structures and are, usually, hundreds of years old. There are strict regulations about how these houses can be renovated and even which materials are permitted. Fortunately, there seems to be no shortage of enthusiasts who are happy to maintain these absolutely beautiful quaint medieval houses.
There are two popular routes in Germany – the Romantic Road (Romantische Straße) and the German Timber-Frame Road (Deutsche Fachwerkstraße), where you can find the most beautiful medieval little towns and villages of Germany.

We did not do these routes, but we did visit Monschau, one the towns featured on the routes. Monschau is perhaps one of the most romantic little villages in Germany. The Half-timbered houses, the meandering Rur River, the hilly Eifel range and easy access make Monschau a popular tourist destination.
The river Rur, runs through the town and has many bridges. Note the planter box with red flowers. They were everywhere, adding to the “romantic” feeling of the town.
While cars are allowed in parts of the town, it is discouraged and parking is, of course, impossible. So we parked at the edge of town and walked in. The town lies in a narrow valley, carved by the Rur River and is a flat stroll. The river runs through the town and there are numerous little bridges, adding extra charm to the whole place.

There is a small square in the middle of the town where people can sit, enjoy a coffee, cool drink or a meal, served by the many cafes and restaurants. Just delightful and the weather was fabulous.

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