Chihuly Garden and Glass

Have you ever gone somewhere, did not know what to expect, only to be blown away by the experience?
Well, so it was when we visited the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum in Seattle.

We did not even know this place existed!

The museum is right next to the Space Needle in Seattle – Photo by Linda Norvelle

When purchasing tickets to go up the Space Needle in Seattle, we were asked if we also wanted tickets for the museum. A combined ticket was cheaper than buying each separately.

Well, we purchased them and went inside first and were “gob-smacked” (flabbergasted, blown away, etc) by what we saw. So beautiful! So unusual! So creative!

By now you’re probably wondering “what the heck is he talking about” so let me explain.

The Chihuly Garden and Glass museum has art on display completely made out of glass. Not just a bowl or lamp, but pieces that really defy description. Curly pieces, spherical pieces, HUGE pieces and above all, colorful pieces, all arranged into gardens, sculptures, chandelier-like “things” hanging from the ceiling, or aliens-like plant “things” seemingly growing in the garden.

Almost Alien-looking. Glass displays in the gardens

The display has two distinct sections, an inside and an outdoors (garden) section, both are equally beautiful, but quite different.

Inside, each room is dark with the glass art being lit up in very creative ways. As a result, the artwork is stunningly displayed. Did I mention the colors are spectacular?

Gorgeous colors, highlighted by superb lighting in a dark room

The gardens are also beautifully arranged with the glass art pieces placed among plants and flowers, as if they had sprung from the soil as alien-plants.

Garden view with all glass “things” among the vegetation

We spent quite some time going from room-to-room and then wandering outside among the flowerbeds. Eventually we had to leave else we would miss our time-slot for going up the Space Needle. We would have liked to stay longer so we could see the outside art being lit up by lights, but we just had to go.

Amazing detail and design – all glass

We highly recommend this place as a fun and visually mesmerizing visit. We will be back, but will be better prepared so we can stay longer and soak up the beauty and inspiration this place radiates.

Yes, the “mandatory” glass bowl was on display too.

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