
Dalmahoy Hotel and Country Club

Prior to leaving on our vacation, we decided to start the shift to UK time whilst still at home.
For about 5 days prior to leaving, we went to bed one hour earlier and got up one hour earlier. In hindsight, we feel that the gradual 5 hour shift paid off as we never really experienced much jet jag at all!

However, just to be on the “safe side” we had booked a hotel for the first two nights, for the sole purpose of adjusting to UK time before starting our real itinerary.
We had picked the Dalmahoy Hotel and Country club, a “castle-like” building with a golf course on the grounds, just 5 minutes from the Edinburgh airport.

And what a great start to our vacation that turned out to be. We had dinner at the local pub, had a nice glass of wine in the lounge and feeling very much immersed in Scottish history from the very start. Yes, we felt we were off to a great start.



One Comment

  1. Wow what a way to start your vacation! It’s beautiful….

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