Albert and Linda de Bruijn are based in Woodland, California and are both passionate landscape and travel photographers whose work has been published all over the world. Here is their story.
About linda
Hi my name is Linda Norvelle de Bruijn.
Who am I? I can tell you that I have a son who is older than I wish to admit. I have three wonderful grandchildren who I don’t see often enough. I have owned a home in Woodland California for 25+ years and have been retired for almost 5 years, on Social Security Disability. I won’t bore you on what my disability is as I feel that disabilities only make you more aware of what you — can do. Its limitations are my guidelines on how I can accomplish them in a different way.
I worked in upper management for a retail grocery chain a good part of my life. I was single for almost 20 years (although I was married to my job), raising my son and getting my career established. I had been married several times before but I just wasn’t good at it, so I took a sabbatical. Ok, it was a long one but I couldn’t be bothered with trying to work on a relationship.
Than I meet my husband, Albert de Bruijn, a foreigner from the Netherlands. Why, you ask? Well at the time my attraction to him was that he wasn’t in retail, didn’t have a clue what I did (so work was never discussed), he owned a canon 5D camera and loved photography. He had me on the 5D Canon. It was so refreshing to meet someone outside of the retail business. Oh don’t get me wrong his work was just as complex as mine but it was great to only talk about what we had in common – Photography and the love of Canon cameras.
We both love photography, exploring the great outdoors and spending time together. Here is the biggie, we both use our love for photography in different ways. My husband is a fabulous writer and he has published several ebooks. I have used my love of photography to enhance my view of the art that I want to create. It’s hard to find a relationship that has all of this, but we did and we both feel very fortunate.
My passion for Art is one that gives me such joy. I have done digital art, photo manipulation, design, graphite drawing, charcoal drawing, ink drawing, textile art, acrylic and watercolor. I have won several awards for my photography and my art over the last few years. I left my studio back in Woodland and am now on the road, but I am going to make it work!
Linda Norvelle de Bruijn

About Albert
Yes, I grew up in the Netherlands, in a town called Den Bosch. I studied Electrical Engineering and soon found myself working with computers in the publishing industry. This is where I first encountered software such as Photoshop and learned about things like graphic design, ICC color profiles, web design and technical stuff like that.
Travel is in my blood and has always been a large part of my life, as a kid, I traveled all over Europe to countries like Germany, France, the UK, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. Later in life my career had me move to Australia, where I lived for 15 years. Whilst in Australia, my job required me to travel to many South East Asian countries like Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Japan and Malaysia. I visited New Zealand many times too. In 2000 I moved to US which I have called home ever since. In 2015, I became a US citizen.
I have three wonderful children, two boys and a girl, all of whom are grown up and have started a life of their own. So far, I have two lovely grandchildren.
Meeting and marrying Linda has been a true blessing. My life is filled with love and purpose. We compliment each other artistically and we inspire each other to pursue our art and grow as artists. As Linda explained above, while we both enjoy photography immensely, we each have an additional artistic outlet. Mine is writing and, thanks to Linda, I have now written and published two eBooks. One about photography in Rome, Italy and the other about photography in Death Valley National Park. They are available in the Apple, Amazon, Nook and Barnes & Noble book stores. With her support, I plan on writing many more.
Both of us have always loved camping and owned travel trailers in the past. In 2015 we purchased a motorhome and life has not been the same since. It has opened new avenues for us and as we travel the US we hope to capture the beauty of this country with our cameras, draw it, paint it and write about it.
I hope you will join us in our adventures.
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