Author: albert

Beautiful Vancouver

Vancouver – What a beautiful city!We had always heard that Vancouver, BC was a lovely city, but never really gave it any further thought, until we visited. Absolutely beautiful! Having great weather, I am sure, only enhanced the experience, but wow . . . We are in an RV Park […]

Exploring Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands

Beautiful Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands are sure to make anyone yearn to want to take up sailing or boating. This area is full of islands, waterways, Orcas, Whales, breathtaking views, soul-nourishing sunrises and romantic sunsets. We cruised these waterways from Anacortes to Victoria, BC, a route that […]

Surf-n-Turf on the road

I can’t remember ever seeing a rule that stated you can’t have a nice meal when camping . . So today we felt like steak, but part of us kinda fancied some prawns too, so we had both! The meal is actually simple to make. Here is what I did: […]

Stuck in Washington

(sing out loud to the tune of “stuck in Lodi again” . . . Just about 2 months ago We set out on the road Seeking photo opportunities Lookin’ for that perfect one DMV screwed up, then screwed up some more I guess you know the tune Oh Lord, stuck in […]

Mt Rainier

WOW . . . talk about a mountain dominating the landscape!Mt Rainier in Washington is one amazing mountain . . wait . . it’s actually a volcano! Anyway, you can see it from miles away and it is perfect. It is one of these mountains shaped the way a child […]

Mount St. Helens

On May 18, 1980, a mountain called Mount St. Helens blew up. While hardly known outside the US, it was an event that dominated news headlines for weeks, all around the world. A volcano eruption is one of those events we all know happen, read about, but never witness. It […]

A change of plans

We have decided to postpone our trip to Alaska. Yes, you read that correctly. After all the hoopla and excitement of heading to Alaska, we just decided to put that trip off until next year. So, are we heading back home now? Heck no . . . instead of going […]

Some time off for a wedding

Several of our followers noticed we have not posted for a while and contacted us asking if all was well. We can assure you all is fine, we simply took some time out to fly back to Sacramento to attend Natalie’s (my daughter) wedding. We had planned this for some […]

North Cascades National Park

Luscious green forrests, beautiful blue/green lakes, spectacular snow-capped mountains and lots and lots of waterfalls perfectly sum up the North Cascades National Park in Washington. The name “North Cascades” is very appropriately as I could not believe the amount of water that comes cascading out of the mountain sides as […]

Beautiful Victoria, BC

Despite its somewhat remote location, Victoria is well worth a visit. It is a gorgious city, with lots to do, great restaurants and pubs and has a fantastic harbor, which is perfectly suited for a romantic stroll with your loved one or just to sit and watch the ever-present hussle […]