
Surf-n-Turf on the road

I can’t remember ever seeing a rule that stated you can’t have a nice meal when camping . . So today we felt like steak, but part of us kinda fancied some prawns too, so we had both! The meal is actually simple to make. Here is what I did: […]

Stuck in Washington

(sing out loud to the tune of “stuck in Lodi again” . . . Just about 2 months ago We set out on the road Seeking photo opportunities Lookin’ for that perfect one DMV screwed up, then screwed up some more I guess you know the tune Oh Lord, stuck in […]

A change of plans

We have decided to postpone our trip to Alaska. Yes, you read that correctly. After all the hoopla and excitement of heading to Alaska, we just decided to put that trip off until next year. So, are we heading back home now? Heck no . . . instead of going […]