By Albert

Blog posts written by Albert

Three Forks, Montana

A town named Three Forks

When you cross Montana from West to East on Hwy 90, you pass a town called Three Forks. And I literally mean “pass it”. Because the highway does not do through the town, you deliberately need to take the right exit if you even want to see the town. You […]

Hungry Horse Lake

Cruising Hungry Horse Reservoir

You will have heard of the “Six degrees of separation” theory, which suggests that everyone is somehow “connected” to each other in six or fewer steps. In other words, a chain of “a friend of a friend” can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six […]

Stepping back in time . . . .

Imagine it’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside and you need to go to the bathroom. So you put on your warmest jacket, step outside and wade through 3 feet of snow to the outhouse. As you sit there, you’re glad it’s day time as the temperature drops to -5F at night. […]

In and around Glacier National Park

We are at the top of the USA, at the Glacier Peaks RV Park in Columbia Falls, Montana, just a few miles outside the Western entrance of Glacier National Park. This is the fourth National Park we visited in our travels and a beautiful one to boot. This year is […]


In my previous post I mentioned that I had never seen a barrel race event live. That was not lost on Linda who promptly started to look for a rodeo after we settled into our RV Park in Columbia Falls in Montana. She reasoned that, of all the US States, […]

Montana here we come . . .

After hanging out in Washington for longer than originally planned, we are now on our way East, heading to Idaho, Montana and beyond. Our followers will have read how significant delays at the DMV in processing my driver’s license has prevented us from entering Canada, where my interim license is […]

Vancouver by Night

After enjoying the night photography from the top of the Seattle Space Needle, we contemplated going back to Vancouver and doing a night shoot there too. Having visited Vancouver earlier, we knew we would get awesome photos of the skyline provided we found a good vantage point. So we spent […]