
Waiting to Die

I know the title to this post is a little concerning, that’s because it is. I want to share a story about what happened to Albert and I a little more than 8 weeks ago. If you have been reading our posts you will recall the post about the mouse. […]


In my previous post I mentioned that I had never seen a barrel race event live. That was not lost on Linda who promptly started to look for a rodeo after we settled into our RV Park in Columbia Falls in Montana. She reasoned that, of all the US States, […]

Montana here we come . . .

After hanging out in Washington for longer than originally planned, we are now on our way East, heading to Idaho, Montana and beyond. Our followers will have read how significant delays at the DMV in processing my driver’s license has prevented us from entering Canada, where my interim license is […]

Vancouver by Night

After enjoying the night photography from the top of the Seattle Space Needle, we contemplated going back to Vancouver and doing a night shoot there too. Having visited Vancouver earlier, we knew we would get awesome photos of the skyline provided we found a good vantage point. So we spent […]

Seattle Space Needle and coffee

We’ve been in Washington for almost 2 months now and for some reason or another, we just never got round to visiting Seattle. Until today that is. We had a list of places to see visit, but no idea how long it would take to cover them all. We DID […]

Chihuly Garden and Glass

Have you ever gone somewhere, did not know what to expect, only to be blown away by the experience?Well, so it was when we visited the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum in Seattle. We did not even know this place existed! When purchasing tickets to go up the Space Needle […]

Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, WA

We’ve been hanging out in Bellingham, a small town in the north western part of Washington state. It’s only about 20 miles from the Canadian border. We’ve used this RV Park as a base from which to visit Vancouver and Seattle. As we were curious to learn what Bellingham had […]

Beautiful Vancouver

Vancouver – What a beautiful city!We had always heard that Vancouver, BC was a lovely city, but never really gave it any further thought, until we visited. Absolutely beautiful! Having great weather, I am sure, only enhanced the experience, but wow . . . We are in an RV Park […]

Exploring Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands

Beautiful Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands are sure to make anyone yearn to want to take up sailing or boating. This area is full of islands, waterways, Orcas, Whales, breathtaking views, soul-nourishing sunrises and romantic sunsets. We cruised these waterways from Anacortes to Victoria, BC, a route that […]

Surf-n-Turf on the road

I can’t remember ever seeing a rule that stated you can’t have a nice meal when camping . . So today we felt like steak, but part of us kinda fancied some prawns too, so we had both! The meal is actually simple to make. Here is what I did: […]