
Along the Road to Hana

In preparing for our trip to Maui, we kept reading about “the road to Hana”… Never much about Hana, but always about the road that leads to this little, isolated, town on the East side of Maui. We now know why and, no, we actually never made it to Hana. […]

Sandy Beaches and more

I’d heard that there were a lot of beaches on Maui, but I was not really prepared for what we encountered. There are literally beaches everywhere! Small ones, large ones, wide open ones, intimate ones, straight ones, crescent-shaped ones, you name it, it is there. Many of them are open […]

Maui – here we come!

The Corona Virus pandemic is still on so we can’t travel, right? One would normally be correct in that assumption, but the state of Hawaii, which thrives on tourism, decided to set up some strict rules that, when abided by, would allow visitors in. We started to think about Hawaii […]