
A collection of articles about photography on the road while traveling in a motorhome.

Layers of colorful Sandstone

Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada

You go to Las Vegas to do some gambling and maybe catch a show, right? Well not always. We learned that there are many more things to do and see that have little, or nothing, to do with gambling. In past visits to the “City of Sin”, we visited places […]

Mt Rainier

WOW . . . talk about a mountain dominating the landscape!Mt Rainier in Washington is one amazing mountain . . wait . . it’s actually a volcano! Anyway, you can see it from miles away and it is perfect. It is one of these mountains shaped the way a child […]

Mount St. Helens

On May 18, 1980, a mountain called Mount St. Helens blew up. While hardly known outside the US, it was an event that dominated news headlines for weeks, all around the world. A volcano eruption is one of those events we all know happen, read about, but never witness. It […]

A day at the Butchart Gardens

It is spring time and we are in Victoria on Vancouver Island. A visit to the world renowned Butchart Gardens is a must and had been on our “todo” list for quite a while. The Butchart Gardens lie half-way between Victoria and Sidney on the south eastern portion of Vancouver […]

Along The Oregon Coast

The Oregon Coast is famous for its scenic beauty and quaint towns so we had high expectations when setting off to Tillamook. We were not disappointed! Even the heavy overcast skies and low temperatures could not dim our enthusiasm. In fact, those weather conditions actually added an extra quality to […]