
A collection of articles about photography on the road while traveling in a motorhome.

Rogue River Bald Eagle

Oregon’s Rogue River Bald Eagle

We are camped along the Indian Creek (see Linda’s post), which runs into the Rogue River, a river known for its salmon runs and rugged scenery. It is one of the original eight rivers named in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 which preserves rivers’ and sections of […]

Yosemite in the snow

Well, it happened. After trying for about 4 years, we finally got the timing right and were in Yosemite the morning after a severe snow storm. And let me tell you . . . IT WAS AWESOME! Snow laden trees, prestine and thick soft snow on the ground, just beautiful […]

A trip into Sego Canyon

Despite every intention to get up early today, it wasn’t until eight-ish before we surfaced. Looking outside and seeing no clouds what so ever, made us re-think our plans. Instead of going into Arches NP again, we decided to go to Sego Canyon to find the petroglyph and pictograph rock […]

Wild Horses of Nevada

Did you know that there are wild horses that roam the hill sides near Virginia City, just east of Reno? I didn’t, but stumbled upon them when visiting that area some time ago. Linda and I wandered the quaint streets of historic Virginia City. You may remember the Bonanza series […]

Crater Lake Sunset

We decided to go to Southern Oregon for a long weekend. We almost did not go because of all the fires in California, Oregon and Washington. The sky is filled with smoke, you can smell it and the particles in the air make everything look like it is smothered in […]

Bowling Ball Beach Sunset

This is a fun place, but a little hard to get to. It is affectionally known as Bowling Ball Beach and if you look at the pictures you can tell why. The beach features this rocky formation that includes about 200 or so of these almost perfect, spherical rocks. They […]

Photography in Death Valley

Have you ever thought of going to Death Valley for a photography adventure? Perhaps you have not given it much thought. Perhaps you have but consider it too hot? Or maybe your perception of it that it’s just a desert and not all that interesting. What if I told you […]