The post Glen-Ayr Canal Resort – Hoodsport Washington appeared first on Hit The Frog and Toad.
We arrived here on the 5th of May to explore the Olympic National Park. This is our first stop in Washington but our fourth stop on our trip. We will stay a total of seven days to work and see the sights. The park also has a hotel located in two areas on the property. In front of our RV there is a separate house just for the hot tub. It is really beautiful with windows looking out to the water.
Photo by Albert de Bruijn
We were unaware of this but this area is known for their oyster farms. I talked to a couple of ladies and their families come here every year for the oysters, shrimping and clams. Since the land is mostly owned by the indians they get to fish for shrimp two weeks before the white people. The shrimp nets are put out in the waters just like crab nets but just like fishing there are limits to their catch.
They also have a beautiful Deck that we enjoyed sitting on with a glass of wine and just enjoyed the peace. When we first got here the guy at the front desk told us that the orcas are here. That same day we walked over to the deck and saw orcas across the water. We had our cameras and our big lens but they were just too far out to get any good shots.
We are going to be putting a rating scale up on our parks later one but I think this one will be up there. Tomorrow we will be getting up early to see if the Orcas come back and if they do will they be close enough for us to shoot? Will keep you posted. I think we need to check out the hot tub as well…..
Photo by Albert de Bruijn
Allegedly, one regularly sees Orcas around here, but to our disappointment, we never caught sight of any. Maybe we will see them in our further travels. Seeing these beautiful creatures in the wild is so different than the movies or books.
We walked down to the pier to get a glance of the beautiful starfish and what else we could see. The tide was going out but the starfish were too far out to get any good pictures but we did see all the oyster shells that are thrown on the beach. They don’t allow you to throw them in the garbage because it is better for the environment to put them back in the water. The hard surfaces of oyster shells and the nooks between the shells provide places where a host of small animals can live.
The beaches are full of oyster shells. At some of the places it makes it very hard to walk. No flip flops on this beach. Take a close look at this picture. There is oyster shells and a few rocks but mostly oyster shells. And they are sharp, Ouch, no bare feet allowed..
We have been experimenting with video and plan to include more footage into our blogs as we get further down the road. Here is a really cool video that Albert did with his drone flying over our RV park and pier.
The post Glen-Ayr Canal Resort – Hoodsport Washington appeared first on Hit The Frog and Toad.